If you don't find the answer to your question

Don't hesitate to reach out to us through our contact page

User Accounts

When you create your account, you must log in for the first time within 3 days. Accounts that are created but not accessed within this time are deleted. Once you log in for the first time, you must log in at least once every month.

First, check to make sure that the email from MyGRETutor has not been shuffled into your spam or junk folder of your email account. The quickest solution is for you to create a new account. If you absolutely want to get into your old account, please contact us.

Payment and Cost for using MyGRETutor

No ... and yes. The first handful of practice questions in each category are free. After that, you will need to purchase full access to see the remainder of the more than 1000 practice questions.

Payment is via Stripe, the industry leading on-line payment system.

Practice questions

You cannot reset the practice questions, but you can review all of the questions that you have seen. From the Practice Questions page, click the Review button for the section that you want to review, and select from the numbered list the question that you'd like to see.

We get this question several times each week. Frankly, it appears that many people just don't know their own strengths and weaknesses. We keep track of how many times a question has been seen, and how many times it has been answered correctly. Sometimes, a person will tell us that a question is "too easy," even though fewer than 25% of all students answered it correctly. At other times, people who are not familiar with a specific concept that is required to answer a question will tell us that the question was "impossible," even though the question might have a correct response rate of 70%. We remove all questions that are TOO easy, or TOO hard, as determined using the correct percentage answer rate. So, if you think that a question is too easy, then don't blame us! Rather, congratulate yourself or thank your high school or college instructors, who obviously taught you well!

Vocabulary Tutor

The vocabulary tutor keeps track of the words that you've seen. If you correctly choose the definition to a vocabulary word, myGRETutor.com remembers that word. If you select the "Show Me Words I've Seen But Haven't Mastered" option, you'll be presented with words that you've gotten right at least 2 days ago or prior. If you again correctly select the definition to the vocabulary word, that word will be placed in your mastered list.