Register for the GRE

Be sure to register early for your GRE exam so that there is enough time to process any necessary paperwork, and so that you can take the exam at the center of your choice and at your desired time and date. You can register late by paying a fee of $25. However, be sure to take the exam at a date which will enable ETS to send your score report to the school(s) of your choice before the school application deadline. When you register for the GRE, make double sure that you print and provide your name EXACTLY as it appears on your identification document(s).

For the paper-based GRE revised General Test, you can register by mail or online. The paper-based exam is offered in areas of the world where the computer-based version of the exam is not available. To register Online, use the Online Registration System. To register by mail, and for additional registration information, visit the ETS Registration and Downloads page on the ETS website.

If you need to register for nonstandard accommodations, visit the ETS webpage for Test Takers with Disabilities, for information about nonstandard accommodations.

The below information details how to register for the computer-based GRE revised General Exam. This section is divided into two columns, one if you are registering to take the exam in the United States, Canada, or one of the United States Territories, and the other if you are registering to take the exam at an international location.

Register to take the exam in the U.S, U.S. Territory, or Canada

There are three ways in which you can register to take the GRE in the U.S., U.S. Territories, or Canada.

To register online, use the Online registration system and pay by Credit Card.

To register by phone, you'll need to pay by credit card. Call your nearest exam center Monday through Friday, 8AM - 8PM Eastern Time, or call the Candidate Services Call Center at 1-443-751-4820 or 1-800-GRE-CALL. When you call, you will be given a confirmation number, reporting time, and the examination center address. You'll need to keep this information.

How to Reschedule or Cancel a Test in the U.S., U.S. Territory, or Canada

Contact the test center where you are scheduled to test or call 1-443-751-4820 or 1-800-GRE-CALL at least 10 days before your appointment. You'll be charged $50 to reschedule your test.

Register to take the exam in International Locations

To register to take the GRE in an International Location, register online, by phone, by fax, or by mail. Visit the Register for the Computer-based GRE General Exam ETS website.

How to Reschedule or Cancel a Test Outside of the U.S.

Contact the appropriate registration center at least 10 full days before your appointment. You'll be charged $50 to reschedule your test.