Practice with more than 1200 simulation questions

We provide more than 1200 simulation practice questions that are based on the GRE Exam format. Some questions are difficult, and some are easy. Each one is accompanied by two hints and an explanation. The hints provide progressively more clues to help you work through each problem. You choose when to see the hint, and when to see the answer. That way, we coach you to the right solution and help you to learn important concepts that are tested on the GRE revised Test. We keep detailed statistics of all questions, and display them for you to help you gauge your performance relative to other users.


GRE Practice Questions - Identify Study Areas

At MyGRETutor, we keep a tally of which questions you have seen, and we keep track of your progress. From among the reading comprehension, text completion, sentence equivalence, and arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis simulated GRE Test practice questions, we provide you with an infographic to help you see quickly which questions you are struggling with, and which questions you are well prepared for based on your performance so far. That way, you can focus your attention on those questions that you need to improve on, thus maximizing your chances of earning your highest score possible.


Sustaining your Practice - A long term approach

Preparing for the GRE exam is best done via a sustained, focused effort. Improving your score or attaining the highest possible score if you are taking the exam for a first time, is best done if you maintain a constant level of practice. Cramming the night before by memorizing math formula or trying to learn a sleuth of vocabulary words a few days before the exam won't help. To help you keep on-pace, we provide an infographic based on how many questions you've answered correctly, and how many you have answered incorrectly during the past 7 days. Use that as a motivator to keep up your studying.
