
GRE Arithmetic - Multiplying and dividing fractions

It's a good chance that in the course of you taking the math section of the GRE exam, you'll be presented with a question where you'll have to multiply or divide fractions. Multiplying or dividing fractions is a simple process, but only if you've recently have had some practice.

To multiply two fractions, just multiply the numerators and then the denominators. Keep in mind that you might need to reduce the fraction. For example:

Keep in mind that you'll have to be cognizant of the different forms that a fraction can assume. For example, when you perform a calculation that utilizes two fractions, the answer might be 3/15. However, in looking over the answer choices, three-fifteenths might not be a choice. Instead, 1/5 might be provided as a possible solution. In such a case, you'll have to recognize that 3/15 and 1/5 are, in fact, the same, because 1/5 is the simplified, reduced form of 3/15.

To divide one fraction by another, invert the numerator and denominator of the fraction that is after the division sign and then just multiply the resulting fractions. For example:

Multiplying and dividing fractions might appear as a straight-forward procedure, and you might be tempted to skip reviewing these concepts. But don't! In fact, the makers of the GRE exam often will provide to fraction questions answer choices that you'll have to convert. So, be careful.