Quantitative comparison questions ask you to compare a quantity in Column A to the quantity in Column B. There are always four answer choices:
Sometimes the quantities in Columns A and B are straight forward, as for example when Column A = 10.01 and Column B = 1.001, so the value in Column A is bigger than the value in Column B by simple comparison.
Other times, however, the values in Columns A and B are not straight-forward and actually involve variables, and there may also be additional information that is given which you must consider when answering the question. For example, if Column A = 3x and Column B = 2x and x is an integer, notice that the relationship between the values in the two columns cannot be determined because if x is less than 1, then Column B is greater, but if x is greater than 1, then Column A is greater. However, for example if you are told that x is greater than 1, then you know that Column A is greater.